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Steve Jobs iPhone

On this day in 2007, Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone. 


In January 2007, Steve Jobs, the co-founder and then-CEO of Apple Inc., unveiled the revolutionary iPhone at the Macworld conference in San Francisco. The introduction of the iPhone marked a pivotal moment in the history of technology and consumer electronics.

Anticipation and Hype

Leading up to the announcement, there was immense anticipation and speculation about Apple’s new product. Rumors and expectations were high regarding a potential Apple smartphone.

Steve Jobs’ Presentation

Jobs, known for his captivating presentation style, took the stage to introduce the iPhone. His keynote address was filled with excitement and showcased the features and capabilities of the groundbreaking device.

Innovative Features

The iPhone’s launch introduced several innovative features that set it apart from existing smartphones. It combined a phone, an iPod with touch controls, and an internet communicator, all within a single device.

Design and Interface

The iPhone’s sleek design, multi-touch interface, and the absence of a physical keyboard were groundbreaking. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive touch controls revolutionized the way people interacted with mobile devices.

Impact on Technology

The iPhone’s introduction changed the landscape of mobile technology and set new standards for smartphones. Its impact extended beyond just communication, influencing industries such as music, photography, and software development.

Commercial Success

Following its release later in 2007, the iPhone quickly became a commercial success, selling millions of units and gaining widespread popularity among consumers worldwide.


The launch of the iPhone marked the beginning of a new era in mobile technology. It redefined the concept of a smartphone, setting the stage for future innovations and shaping the direction of the tech industry for years to come. As of 2023, the iPhone has over 1.46 billion active users worldwide.

A Rare iPhone

A first-generation iPhone recently sold for over $190K—learn more about this historic device at The Guardian.

Image credit: 9to5Mac